Gary Hennemuth, PsyD




Graduate School, Wright Institute


California Psy33414

Close relationships can offer the promise of shared goals, intimacy, and unique personal growth. In partnership with a loved one we can experience our world and ourselves in new and dynamic ways. And such a worthwhile endeavor is not always easy. I believe the most important and vital relationships require work and attention to thrive. Life inevitably stresses relationships, and we find ourselves building or repairing our ship while at sea. When the weather is beautiful, we are at our best, and when seas get rough, we need support keeping ourselves afloat. Couples therapy can help provide insight, skills, and meaningful collaboration to help you on your journey. We seek to Identify unhelpful patterns, long-held attitudes, strengths, and learning edges. Cultivating powerful moments in which partners can discover and communicate authentically helps develops intimacy, mutuality, and truth. My work with couples seeks these moments. We may explore what makes the good times so good, and find new sustainable ways of moving forward. This takes effort, and what could be more worthwhile?

My approach with couples and individuals emphasizes communication skills in the service of emotional insight, attachment awareness, effective self-expression, mutual understanding, and creative conflict resolution. There is a lot to accomplish and I hope to find the most effective strategy for each couple.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
— T. S. Eliot
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